The Nobility of Cauldron
Vhalantru: Lord Alahind Vhalantru was given the patent of nobility shortly after moving to Cauldron 15 years ago. Immediately upon arriving to the city he gave a huge sum of money toward the restoration of several town structures, including Town Hall and the Bluecrater Academy. The grounds of Vhalantru’s manor are amongst the most beautiful in Cauldron and, as a patron of learning and friend of the poor, he is one of the most popular figures in the city. Alahind has never married and has no children.
Taskerhill: The Tethyrian Lord Ankhin Taskerhill is the inheritor of the fabulously wealthy Taskerhill mines and estates. Ankhin is the richest man in Cauldron, and now that he is a widow (his wife having recently passed away) he is also one of the most sought after men within its walls. He dotes after his daughter Anna, who is known to travel with Cora Lathenmire, and his son Taylen, who lives in the hills north Cauldron overseeing the greatest of the Taskerhill mines. Taylen is rumored to have taken a fancy to a Drow common-woman working as a mine foreman, but this story is fervently denied by Ankhin and his retinue.
Lathenmire: Beswink and Lioral Lathenmire are the current Heads of the House Lathenmire, which has not yet officially been given the patent of nobility, but is expected to overcome that obstacle before the end of another decade. Beswink started life as the third son of a poor weaponsmith. When he caught the eye of Lioral, the only daughter of a successful Chondathan merchant, he had the chance he needed to turn the tide of his fate. With the help of his new bride, Beswink began to buy out the other weapon and armor smithies in Cauldron. Coupled with the trade routes established by Lioral’s father the two quickly became one of the most financially influential couples in Cauldron. Their only shame is their daughter Cora, who refused to take up stock in the family business and instead has taken to a life of adventuring. They are proud of their other children; a daughter, Adilé; and a son, Hilcert.
Garthûn: Adrick Garthûn is the Dwarf patriarch of a small dwarven community just to the south of the village of Redgorge. However, he spends most of his time in the city proper looking over his import business. Adrick is gregarious and friendly in his business dealings, but is taciturn and often short when questioned about his family. It is known that he has several children, but he speaks neither about them, nor about his wife. Garthûn is always accompanied by his two dwarf bodyguards, Kerg and Daxavalt.
Navalant: The current Prince-Magistrate is the sole inheritor of a powerful Illuskan family which claims to have been given the patent of nobility by Surabar Spellmason himself. The family controls large orchards North of Kingfisher Hollow, and it is rumored that they have a standing pact with the Fey in the area, which allows them to maintain their control on the rare wood trade out of the region. Even though Severen is the last member of his line, he is not on speaking terms with his parents, who disapprove of the fact that he married into the Hollow family. However, it was this marriage (fruitless, currently) which brought Severen’s name to the attention of the Noble’s council, and ultimately led to his appointment 13 years ago.
Skellerang: Lord Captain Commander Terseon Skellerang was, as is the tradition in Cauldron, granted nobility for the course of his appointment. Terseon has never had time for a wife or family, but he is still fairly young, and plans on having a family later in his life.
Tercival: Alek Tercival, a paladin of St. Cuthbert, is the last surviving member of this land rich, monetarily destitute, noble family. He is betrothed to the youngest daughter of the Wood Elf house Amalith, but the Patriarch of that house insists that he rebuild his family’s name and fortune before marrying her.
Aslaxin: The Chondathan Aslaxin family is currently the most powerful house in the town of Kingfisher Hollow, now that the Taskerhills have moved most of their interests into the city. The Aslaxin rice crops are one of the greatest sources of food in the region, and their dominance of the food import trade seals the family’s continued power in the region, however, the true gem of the Aslaxin empire is the art trade. Zachary and his wife Kerri have 9 children, most of who are happily entrenched in the family businesses. The notable exception is the eldest son, Zachary the Second, who is known to travel with Anna Taskerhill (the beloved daughter of the family’s chief rival) and Cora Lathenmire.
Vanderboren: The Chondathan Vanderborens, Lord Premiach and Lady Aeberrin, are the newest of Cauldrons nobility, having received the patent of nobility only nine years ago. The house is Cauldron’s answer to real-estate tycoons, and they own several important buildings and businesses in the city, including Sure Foot Livery and the Lantern Street Orphanage. The Vanderboren’s eldest two sons, Padil and Torgon, are currently attending the war college in Greyhawk, and their lone daughter, Laerel, has married the son of a minor noble family in far-off Ahlissa. Their younger son, Todd, is known to travel with the children of several other noble families from the area.
Knowlern: Lady Ophelia Knowlern inherited control of this Vaasan house when her father and brother died in a mine explosion, and she has been loathe to marry, giving up her power. She makes her home in Hollowsky, where she can better look after her interests in the areas mines (both south of Hollowsky and in the immediate vicinity of the haunted village). At the behest of Jenya Urikas, she often sits in as a voice of reason and compassion at Cauldron’s council meetings. She has two younger sisters, both of whom she is very protective of.
Rhiavadi: Lady Thifrane is the only living member of this ancient Chondathan house. She lives alone (discounting servants) in what is widely considered the most ostentatious display of wealth in the city, a multileveled, towered structure on Obsidian Avenue. Though she controls interest in several businesses in the region, it is known that she has little patience for them and allows most decisions to be made by subordinates. She is a very sought after bride, but the rumor-mongers of Cauldron doubt if she will ever find a partner.
Hollow: The Hollow family, currently led by Sardis and Maeth, is the greatest Half-Elven clan in the region, being traditionally led by a Moon Elf patriarch and a Human Matriarch. The family’s plantations are responsible for the foundation of two of the areas villages (Kingfisher Hollow and Hollowsky) and their notoriety is at least partially responsible for the current Prince’s seat of power in Cauldron. It was Severen’s marriage to their eldest daughter, Ildura, which earned him the power to be considered for his position. The family claims numerous other sons and daughters, as well as noble born Elves, most of who stay in the lowlands or have gone to seek their fortunes in other lands.
Spellmason: Surabar Spellmason, and his line, was given the patent of nobility upon his founding of Redgorge and Cauldron. For 250 years or more, the Spellmason family was one of the most respected in the region, and one of the most powerful. However, shortly after the dawn of the 10th century from the raising of the standing stone, Surabar’s line came to an abrupt end when forces of the Sea Princes attacked a caravan led by brothers who were the last to bear the name.
Andur: The Andur family stood beside Surabar duing his struggles to found Cauldron and the environs, and was greatly adored before the fall of the Spellmason family, but fell into corruption and heightening racist jingoism with every generation since then. Once they began to espouse the faith of Wastri, they were moved to the fringes of society and the line fell into decline. While one individual of this family remains, few know of his existence, and those that do agree that it is best that the line is about to die out completely.
Lidu: Another of Cauldron’s founding families; the Lidus established the village of Liduton, which eventually became known as the haunted village. It was Percival Lidu who originally discovered that the cauldron region was perfect for growing tea and coffee, and it was his family that established the first mines in the area. After the destruction of Liduton, the clan moved deeper and deeper into poverty and experienced long strings of spectacular failure. By the end of the Spellmason line, House Lidu had dissolved completely and intermingled with the population. House Lidu technically still holds its patent of nobility, but there has not been a true member of the house able to claim his birthright in 400 years.
Amalith: Though House Amalith is not recognized by the nobility of Cauldron as one of its own, the Amaliths are one of the most powerful clans in the area. Lord Aryll Amalith rules over the Wood Elves of the northern High Forest with an iron fist, and maintains a hearty trade relationship with the humans and dwarves of Cauldron. He has 7 sons and 4 daughters (by three wives), the youngest of which is waiting to marry Alek Tercival. Perhaps this coupling will finally lead to the acceptance of house Amalith.
Taskerhill: The Tethyrian Lord Ankhin Taskerhill is the inheritor of the fabulously wealthy Taskerhill mines and estates. Ankhin is the richest man in Cauldron, and now that he is a widow (his wife having recently passed away) he is also one of the most sought after men within its walls. He dotes after his daughter Anna, who is known to travel with Cora Lathenmire, and his son Taylen, who lives in the hills north Cauldron overseeing the greatest of the Taskerhill mines. Taylen is rumored to have taken a fancy to a Drow common-woman working as a mine foreman, but this story is fervently denied by Ankhin and his retinue.
Lathenmire: Beswink and Lioral Lathenmire are the current Heads of the House Lathenmire, which has not yet officially been given the patent of nobility, but is expected to overcome that obstacle before the end of another decade. Beswink started life as the third son of a poor weaponsmith. When he caught the eye of Lioral, the only daughter of a successful Chondathan merchant, he had the chance he needed to turn the tide of his fate. With the help of his new bride, Beswink began to buy out the other weapon and armor smithies in Cauldron. Coupled with the trade routes established by Lioral’s father the two quickly became one of the most financially influential couples in Cauldron. Their only shame is their daughter Cora, who refused to take up stock in the family business and instead has taken to a life of adventuring. They are proud of their other children; a daughter, Adilé; and a son, Hilcert.
Garthûn: Adrick Garthûn is the Dwarf patriarch of a small dwarven community just to the south of the village of Redgorge. However, he spends most of his time in the city proper looking over his import business. Adrick is gregarious and friendly in his business dealings, but is taciturn and often short when questioned about his family. It is known that he has several children, but he speaks neither about them, nor about his wife. Garthûn is always accompanied by his two dwarf bodyguards, Kerg and Daxavalt.
Navalant: The current Prince-Magistrate is the sole inheritor of a powerful Illuskan family which claims to have been given the patent of nobility by Surabar Spellmason himself. The family controls large orchards North of Kingfisher Hollow, and it is rumored that they have a standing pact with the Fey in the area, which allows them to maintain their control on the rare wood trade out of the region. Even though Severen is the last member of his line, he is not on speaking terms with his parents, who disapprove of the fact that he married into the Hollow family. However, it was this marriage (fruitless, currently) which brought Severen’s name to the attention of the Noble’s council, and ultimately led to his appointment 13 years ago.
Skellerang: Lord Captain Commander Terseon Skellerang was, as is the tradition in Cauldron, granted nobility for the course of his appointment. Terseon has never had time for a wife or family, but he is still fairly young, and plans on having a family later in his life.
Tercival: Alek Tercival, a paladin of St. Cuthbert, is the last surviving member of this land rich, monetarily destitute, noble family. He is betrothed to the youngest daughter of the Wood Elf house Amalith, but the Patriarch of that house insists that he rebuild his family’s name and fortune before marrying her.
Aslaxin: The Chondathan Aslaxin family is currently the most powerful house in the town of Kingfisher Hollow, now that the Taskerhills have moved most of their interests into the city. The Aslaxin rice crops are one of the greatest sources of food in the region, and their dominance of the food import trade seals the family’s continued power in the region, however, the true gem of the Aslaxin empire is the art trade. Zachary and his wife Kerri have 9 children, most of who are happily entrenched in the family businesses. The notable exception is the eldest son, Zachary the Second, who is known to travel with Anna Taskerhill (the beloved daughter of the family’s chief rival) and Cora Lathenmire.
Vanderboren: The Chondathan Vanderborens, Lord Premiach and Lady Aeberrin, are the newest of Cauldrons nobility, having received the patent of nobility only nine years ago. The house is Cauldron’s answer to real-estate tycoons, and they own several important buildings and businesses in the city, including Sure Foot Livery and the Lantern Street Orphanage. The Vanderboren’s eldest two sons, Padil and Torgon, are currently attending the war college in Greyhawk, and their lone daughter, Laerel, has married the son of a minor noble family in far-off Ahlissa. Their younger son, Todd, is known to travel with the children of several other noble families from the area.
Knowlern: Lady Ophelia Knowlern inherited control of this Vaasan house when her father and brother died in a mine explosion, and she has been loathe to marry, giving up her power. She makes her home in Hollowsky, where she can better look after her interests in the areas mines (both south of Hollowsky and in the immediate vicinity of the haunted village). At the behest of Jenya Urikas, she often sits in as a voice of reason and compassion at Cauldron’s council meetings. She has two younger sisters, both of whom she is very protective of.
Rhiavadi: Lady Thifrane is the only living member of this ancient Chondathan house. She lives alone (discounting servants) in what is widely considered the most ostentatious display of wealth in the city, a multileveled, towered structure on Obsidian Avenue. Though she controls interest in several businesses in the region, it is known that she has little patience for them and allows most decisions to be made by subordinates. She is a very sought after bride, but the rumor-mongers of Cauldron doubt if she will ever find a partner.
Hollow: The Hollow family, currently led by Sardis and Maeth, is the greatest Half-Elven clan in the region, being traditionally led by a Moon Elf patriarch and a Human Matriarch. The family’s plantations are responsible for the foundation of two of the areas villages (Kingfisher Hollow and Hollowsky) and their notoriety is at least partially responsible for the current Prince’s seat of power in Cauldron. It was Severen’s marriage to their eldest daughter, Ildura, which earned him the power to be considered for his position. The family claims numerous other sons and daughters, as well as noble born Elves, most of who stay in the lowlands or have gone to seek their fortunes in other lands.
Spellmason: Surabar Spellmason, and his line, was given the patent of nobility upon his founding of Redgorge and Cauldron. For 250 years or more, the Spellmason family was one of the most respected in the region, and one of the most powerful. However, shortly after the dawn of the 10th century from the raising of the standing stone, Surabar’s line came to an abrupt end when forces of the Sea Princes attacked a caravan led by brothers who were the last to bear the name.
Andur: The Andur family stood beside Surabar duing his struggles to found Cauldron and the environs, and was greatly adored before the fall of the Spellmason family, but fell into corruption and heightening racist jingoism with every generation since then. Once they began to espouse the faith of Wastri, they were moved to the fringes of society and the line fell into decline. While one individual of this family remains, few know of his existence, and those that do agree that it is best that the line is about to die out completely.
Lidu: Another of Cauldron’s founding families; the Lidus established the village of Liduton, which eventually became known as the haunted village. It was Percival Lidu who originally discovered that the cauldron region was perfect for growing tea and coffee, and it was his family that established the first mines in the area. After the destruction of Liduton, the clan moved deeper and deeper into poverty and experienced long strings of spectacular failure. By the end of the Spellmason line, House Lidu had dissolved completely and intermingled with the population. House Lidu technically still holds its patent of nobility, but there has not been a true member of the house able to claim his birthright in 400 years.
Amalith: Though House Amalith is not recognized by the nobility of Cauldron as one of its own, the Amaliths are one of the most powerful clans in the area. Lord Aryll Amalith rules over the Wood Elves of the northern High Forest with an iron fist, and maintains a hearty trade relationship with the humans and dwarves of Cauldron. He has 7 sons and 4 daughters (by three wives), the youngest of which is waiting to marry Alek Tercival. Perhaps this coupling will finally lead to the acceptance of house Amalith.
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